Hate trackers wants to involve

and work with young people aged 14-24, train and educate them providing them with Human Rights Education and Digital Literacy to make them recognize what online hate speech is.



Play and discover how you can react to hate speech situations at the entrance of the highschool.

Targeted at youth aged 14 to 18

Music festival

Play and learn how to react to hate speech situations at a music festival.

For youngsters aged 19 to 24

Know some victim assistance services for hate speech in Spain


  1. 1

    Provide young people with useful tools that can help them dealing with on-line hate speech and become a more active and engaged citizens.

  2. 2

    Encourage and strengthen transnational cooperation on how to tackle hate speech and discrimination.

  3. 3

    Explore and share experiences and tools to gain social, intercultural, critical thinking competences.

  4. 4

    Create a cross sectoral sustainable network who will be trained to counteract actively hate speech episodes both online and offline.